AI can match or even outperform humans in many tasks, but they are also prone to mistakes on unfamiliar inputs. Unfortunately, AI often encounter unfamiliar inputs when deployed in the real world because training data is seldom diverse enough to reflect the diversity of real-world inputs. This not only degrades (AI) reliablity but can also lead to safety violations. For example,
My research leverages statistical science to improve the reliability and safety of AI in the real world. Towards this goal, we work on:
Despite transformative advances in AI (experts predict that AI will exceed human capabilities in the near future [Bengio et al]), AI remain prone to unexpected behavior, making them unreliable and potentially dangerous in the hands of malicious actors. We develop new theories and methods for AI alignment and evaluation to help us anticipate and manage AI risks. Some representative papers are:
We take a statistical approach to algorithmic fairness: algorithmic biases are often caused by distribution shifts (eg due to sampling biases in the training data), which suggests they are statistical problems that admit statistical solutions. A key insight from our work is (contrary to popular belief) aligning AI so that they are fair/safe/transparent may not be at odds with accuracy. In fact, alignment can improve (out-of-distribution) performance. Sometimes, we can even exploit the distribution shifts to achieve otherwise unachievable fairness objectives (eg achieve equality of outcomes with (policies that satisfy) equality of opportunity/treatment). This motivates some of our work on distribution shifts. Here are some representative papers:
We also developed a suite of algorithms to help practitioners implement individual fairness (IF), an intuitive notion of algorithmic fairness that requires algorithms to “treat similar inputs similarly”. The suite includes algorithms for aligning similarity metrics with user feedback, auditing algorithms for violations of IF, and training individually fair AI. Before our work, IF was dismissed as impractical because there were no similarity metrics for many AI tasks and no practical algorithms to train individually fair AI. We addressed both issues with the (similarity) metric learning and training algorithms in the suite. Try the algorithms in IBM’s AIF360 toolkit!
AI often encounter adversarial and out-of-distribution inputs in the real world, but the pernicious effects of distribution shifts are poorly understood. This is a form of technical debt that hinders us from anticipating AI risks before they arise. We seek to repay this technical debt. Some representative papers are: